well.. this is not new to Tamil Cine Industry.., But, the art of copying has been increasin more and more day by day.. Let it be in Music, Trailers or even the photo shoots of films, nowadays they are not as Creative as it should be and as original as it was before..
i waz as usual browsing lousily killin' time when i came across this... rings a bell Somewhere?
here's the similar one..
yup.. the film Which is said to have created a record For the Costliest film invitations ever created.. Kandhasamy featuring Vikram and Shreya has these pictures in its gallery..
Jus' notice that not even the colour of the fishes have changed.. only the textures or scales.. & on that too only a slight change is visible..
Here comes the other one...
hmm.. here the case is more irritating.. the copy is not even from any kinda foreign movie but from a neighbouring film industry !!
Both are from the same Industry.. lol..
not only pic's it is also in the music field .. chck out the links..
..and i accept its damn tough to make a song.. but atleast the shades of similarity in music is acceptable.. Music directors just Cut the song from some English Albums and Paste it in theirs..
.. this shows only the lack of creativity and the lack of creativity in the new modern trend of Film makin..
well.. if this persists?
1 comment:
yeah da.......eXaCtLY!! each and evry music that i hear in tamil is the copied one from some english albums.not only that many have been copied from the neighbouring industry itself like:telugu,kannada,malayalam, etc and not even leaving the one's from INDIA'S unknown languages :(
If ThIs tReNd dId not break in india, then we're gonna be restricted only to those COpIeD AlBuMs
and eventually where'll the fame,ORIGINALITY,UNIQUENESS cOmE To oUr fIlM MaKeRs?
IT'S ashame of ourselves...........:(
we cant create a new rehman,new ilayaraja , what about atleast a new JoShVa sHrIdHaR and similar's atleast?.it depends upon the
LaTeSt tReNdS and the way TaMiL CiNEmA TaKeS Us tO!!
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